Contact us

Direct contacts

Lauri Lehtinen


Electronics repair and production / measuring equipment:
Puh. +358 207 439 431

Mikko Lehtinen

Product group manager, Microscopy

Phone. +358 207 439 433

About Prodi Oy

Prodi Oy is an importing business founded in Finland back in 1999. We operate in our own business premises in Helsinki, where both our office and warehouse are located. We are constantly developing technical expertise in our entire business area. Our goal is to find a technically whole and cost-effective solutions to suit our customer’s needs.

We act as an expert, importer and service seller in electronics soldering and repair equipment and materials, as well as in all microscopy products. We have established our position as a skilled and trusted tool supplier. Our range of microscope products is one of the most comprehensive in the Nordics. Our products are supplemented with plenty of suitable materials and accessories in all needs.

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